No matter what your age, getting regular dental check-ups can not only save your teeth but also save you money in the long run by helping you to maintain a healthy mouth. Check-ups include X-rays and preventative dental care procedures such as:
Dental sealants
Prophylaxis (preventive action against disease)
- Periodontal hygiene maintenance cleanings (with periodontal pocket measurements and fluoride application)
A number of systemic (“throughout the body”) diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, have been shown to be co-related to poor oral and dental health, so maintaining a comprehensive routine of professional dental care could help to prevent the occurrence of much more catastrophic illnesses in your life. Other preventative measures we offer include:
Oral Cancer Screening (similar to a regular skin check-up)
Any type of cancer can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects. A thorough look around the mouth for suspicious looking tissue(s), including around and under the tongue, the palate, and the vestibules of the cheeks and lips, is a very important part of your dental exam. In the event that something suspicious is found, a gentle brush biopsy can be taken and sent to a laboratory for analysis. Catching and treating cancer early is always the best strategy.
Periodontal Health
Your gum health will be evaluated during every hygiene appointment. Gum disease is best treated when it is caught early, so we check your periodontal health carefully.